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Online, identity becomes a conscious choice rather than a reactive set of tendencies. Turkle states that “the Internet is another element of the computer culture that has contributed to thinking about identity as multiplicity. On it, people are able to build a self by cycling through many selves” (178). This sentiment is echoed by Christopher “Moot” Poole, founder of the anonymous website 4chan and Time Magazine’s most influential person of 2008. In a 2011 summit, Poole addresses the question of identity online: "We all have multiple identities…identity is prismatic. There are many lenses through which people view you. We are all multifaceted people. Google and Facebook would have you believe that you are a mirror…there’s one idea of self…but in fact, we’re more like diamonds. You can look at people from any angle and see something totally different and yet, they’re still the same…How incredible is it that we can actually…explore certain passions and interests that are very personal to us, but that we don’t want the rest of the world to see?"

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